Thursday, March 24, 2011

Same Health Issues, New dog!

Hello everyone.

First to update you on my health...

I am still on a liquid diet.  I drink Ensure shakes and eat soup for dinner.  I probably could go off of the diet and start slowly back to real food, but it has been SO nice being without any GIT issues that I am perfectly content to stay on the liquid diet.

I have been feeling better lately than I was feeling the last couple of weeks, but my neurological symptoms have gone completely haywire. 

My brain fog is KILLING me.  Yesterday I somehow managed to forget just about everything and confuse ALL of my clients around and also get lost going to the same park I go about 4 or 5 days per week.

It is one thing to be in physical pain, it is another to feel like you are losing your mind.

For me, there is not much worse than feeling like my brain doesn't work.  It is a painful reality of my diseases, and there is no medication that can treat it. 

On the bright side, I am fostering a new dog who is WONDERFUL and has brought some new light into my life.  I am technically just fostering him right now, but will most likely end up permanently adopting him.

I was called to the Humane Society to do a behavior evaluation on a blue Pit Bull, and ended up taking him home.  His name is Gunner, he is a year old TOPS, and is a big goofy baby. 

The dogs have been a life raft in the middle of a storm, a flowering bud through the thicket of thorns.

They make my life so much more enjoyable and bright, even on the darkest of days. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Loss of Control

Well, unfortunately I don't have anything positive to report...I cannot wait for the day that I can post an entry on this blog and have it actually be UPLIFTING and HOPEFUL!  That day will come, but until then I will just write about reality....

After the scope procedure I still continued to decline.  I was unable to hold down food or water and was so ill I could hardly even get out of bed. 

I went back to my gastroenterologist AGAIN and it was a waste of time.  My doctor said that my scope was inconclusive and only showed general inflammation, nothing that would explain the severity of my symptoms.

Awesome....Just what I love, another doctor that doesn't know what is wrong with me and probably thinks I'm crazy....

Not only did my GIT symptoms continue to take a turn for the worse, but my other Lyme symptoms went haywire as well. 

My vision became so clouded and painful I couldn't read anything...Not the TV guide menu, not the pages of a book or magazine, literally nothing.  My eye sockets pounded with my pulse, a throbbing painful sensation that is difficult to describe.

My sciatic nerves felt shredded, like someone was rubbing shattered glass up and down along the nerve endings.

My hip joints felt like they were going to explode, like someone was pumping the joints full of boiling water. 

My mind was a jumbled mess.  My memory wasn't working at all and I felt like my brain was breaking down.  It's almost like you can imagine the bacteria drilling themselves into my nervous tissue, eating, thriving, reproducing in the grey matter of my mind...

The unwanted invasion of deadly parasites...I feel like I'm in an Alien movie...there are uninvited inhabitants in my body over which I have little control....

I ended up requiring a pricey phone consult with my LLMD last night.  Even my LLMD, my savior of sorts in this medical nightmare, is unsure of what to do for me.

My symptoms are "too severe"...

"Too different"...

"Too odd"....

The doctor who I have put all my faith into doesn't understand why my body is falling apart piece by piece, like the autumn leaves slowly floating away from the tree down to the cold hard ground. 

He has instructed me to run my bloodwork next week and go from there.  He will be testing me for some different diseases, most of which are rare but could possibly provide an explanation for my steady decline.

The biggest blow in all of this is that my LLMD wants me off antibiotics until he gets the results of my bloodwork....The bloodwork takes 3-4 weeks to run...

I will most likely not be put back on antibiotics until the end of April when I go back to see him in person.

This is a devastating blow to my morale.  The antibiotics are my only hope of ever beating this disease, and even just a week off of them means I'm not killing bacteria.  By the time I am back on them it will be 6-7 weeks off antibiotics. 

I have no choice but to trust my doctor, but it is so hard to feel so helpless, like you have no control over your life. 

This is only something those of us with chronic disease experience.  This total and complete loss of power. 

I guess the only power we immutably have is the power of our faith, and the strength we possess within to hold onto hope and keep on pushing forward.  No disease can take away your fight and your fire.  No bacteria can take away your desire to recover and heal.

That is what we all must remember.  No matter what obstacles and adversity we face in life, we can still have faith that we can perservere. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fairy Tales and Happy Endings

I have mixed emotions about the initial results of my gastroscopy yesterday.

My gastroenterologist did not find any ulcers, which is great, however my stomach and duodenum (upper portion of the small intestine) look very irritated and inflamed.  He is suspicious that the combination of strong anti-inflammatories and high doses of antibiotics are the cause of the acute attack that triggered this whole episode of events.

He took biopsy samples to send to the lab, and I will know the results of those within the next week or so.

I feel like I'm trapped by this finding.  On one hand I NEED my pain medications just to get out of bed and my antibiotics are crucial, that goes without saying.  What am I supposed to do if the same medications that are crucial to my recovery are contributing to further illness? 

On top of everything else I have had a low grade fever for two days, and the doctors blew it off at the hospital.  I was up all night breaking out in cold sweats and chills.  I don't even have the energy to go see another doctor and figure it out...

I am stuck between a rock and a hard place and I just wish I could sink away and disappear. 

I find myself slipping away.  It gets harder and harder to hide the way I feel and put on a happy face. 

I have been taking triple doses of over-the-counter sleeping medications in combination with the prescriptions from my doctor at 5 or 6pm, just so I can go to sleep and be unconscious. When I am asleep it is the only time I am not aware of how miserable I am and how much I miss who I used to be and the life I used to have.

Tonight I am teaching a "Pit Bull Education Seminar" to about 20-25 people.  I have been planning this for over a month, and was so excited.  Even something I am so passionate about feels like a chore, another time I have to wear the mask of normalcy and hide the way I feel inside.

I just wish there was a fast forward button in life.  I wish I could be Snow White or Sleeping Beauty and just sleep peacefully waiting for better days to come.

Life is not a fairy tail.  There are not always happy endings.  Sometimes we push and push for what we want, we strive to reach our highest expectations for ourselves, but sometimes the hardest thing to accept in life is that we can't always have what we want.  Reality can be hard to swallow.

"You know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy tales, that fantasy of what your life would be, white dress, prince charming who would carry you away to a castle on a hill. You would lie in bed at night and close your eyes and you had complete and utter faith. Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Prince Charming, they were so close you could taste them, but eventually you grow up, one day you open your eyes and the fairy tale disappears."

Friday, March 11, 2011

What the Night Brings

There is something very lonely about night time.  It's very difficult for me to sleep so I am left alone with the black sky and my dark thoughts.

The night time brings both a sense of peace and pain.  The stillness and quiet is a welcome feeling, like a soft fog rolling off the hills to settle the valley below.  My body can slow down, recover from the day, but this is when my mind awakens and my thoughts churn.

Today was an interesting day.  It was the first time anyone has actually noticed that I physically show signs of being sick.  I have lost 6 pounds over the past week, and for someone that is normally 5'4" and 125 lbs, that is a significant amount of weight loss. 

People noticed that I have lost weight, that something didn't look just right.  For some reason it almost made my eyes well with tears that someone actually noticed...

It makes me so uncomfortable and uneasy to be vulnerable when I am face to face with someone, even just in that tiny minuscule way.  My emotions have always been something I try to shove down inside of me, deep into the caverns of my mind and soul.  I don't even want to face my own vulnerability and sense of loss and longing. 

Living on the cusp of reality
Floating through aimlessly, mindlessly
Like a jellyfish through the ocean,
Driven by no emotion,
Life has lost its direction
I have lost all self-definition.

It is impossible to know how I feel
Like a car missing a wheel,
Like a plane missing a wing,
I no longer hear birds sing.
The clouds are always looming
People fly past, ignorantly zooming.
But nobody stops to think
This is a girl on the brink.

Life has become a maze of faith and doubt
I know it’s there, but I cannot see the way out.

Walking, breathing, being…like a ghost
Pain, hurt, broken dreams…shattered hopes. 

I float along trying to appear strong
On the inside I’m slowly breaking….
Just trying to hold on….

CT Update

Well, nothing good to report after my CT.  My abdominal CT showed significant inflammation of my stomach and duodenum (upper portion of the small intestine). 

My gastroenterologist has scheduled me for the first available gastroscopy at the hospital on Monday.  He will be looking for ulcers, lesions, plaque, bacteria, etc. that is causing the inflammatory response in my GIT that has prevented me from eating a real meal in almost a week now. 

He will also be taking biopsies from my stomach to send to the pathology lab. 

I feel a little bit better, but I still can't eat.  I tried to eat some chicken and rice soup and a potato last night and have been sick since 5:30AM this morning. 

I have a feeling all of this is related to the high doses of oral antibiotics I am taking to treat my diseases.  I have been in treatment for 7.5 months now and have had complications from the antibiotics the entire time. 

Don't get me wrong, I would MUCH rather experience the complications than suffer from this disease for the rest of my life, but it only makes recovery that much more difficult and tedious. 

My LLMD has instructed me to stay off of my antibiotics until I get the biopsy/gastroscope results.  I went off of them last Sunday, so by the time I get results and know what is going on medically, it will be about 1.5 weeks off of my medications.

This is such a catch-22 for me.  On one hand it might give me some temporary relief, but on the other that is 1.5 weeks for the bacteria to flourish and reproduce. 

I'm hoping my LLMD will switch me off oral antibiotics to IV antibiotics when I go back to see him at the end of April.  I have not tolerated the oral antibiotics well since I started treatment.  I have had GIT issues, yeast infections in my mouth, and mouth sores that do not heal. 

I probably won't post over the weekend unless something drastically changes, but I just wanted to give you all an update.  I will post on Monday evening or Tuesday morning once I recover from the procedure. 

Love you all very much! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

More Complications

This whole journey with Lyme and Ehrlichia never seems to end....The road to recovery and health is a windy twisty path full of obstacles along the way. 

On Sunday evening around 10pm all of a sudden I began to experience an intensely painful burning sensation throughout my entire abdomen.  I spent the entire night curled up in a little ball on the living room couch in a cold sweat completely overwhelmed by abdominal pain. 

My entire abdomen was so painful and tender I could not even put on a pair of jeans.  By 11am I was crying, which for me says a lot.  I can handle a lot of pain, and do handle an extreme amount on a daily basis, but this acute attack was more than even I could tolerate. 

I went to the closest emergency clinic seeking some sort of relief or answers.  For those of us with Lyme, it is NEVER fun going to a new doctor.  It is always a fear that when you tell the doctor you have Lyme and are in long term antibiotic therapy you will receive an entire lecture on how that doesn't work, your doctor is doing you more harm than good, etc....

After waiting in the ER clinic waiting room for over an hour laying on the floor (it was the only way I was somewhat comfortable), I finally was escorted to the exam rooms.  To my horror, I passed a doctor I recognized.  I went to this clinic a month ago for an EKG due to Lyme related heart palpitations.  This particular doctor is an older doctor and oh boy did he give me an earful about my Lyme treatment/diagnosis. 
I finally had to tell this doctor that either he gives me the EKG or I will just leave...

Anyway, you can imagine how distraught I was to see that sure enough, I get this doctor AGAIN.  Just my luck, right?  I started crying immediately...The nurse was so sweet, she assumed that I didn't want to see that doctor because he is male, but I really didn't want to see him because he was so cruel and dismissive when I was there just a month prior. 

I was too sick to go and wait anywhere else, so I agreed to see him but asked the nurse to tell the doctor to leave the Lyme issue alone and just treat my clinical symptoms.

He ended up being nice (thank you to the nurse for that) and gave me some anti-spasmodic medications just to get me through until yesterday. 

Yesterday I got an emergency appointment with my gastroenterologist.  He was concerned about the sudden acute onset of the extreme pain.  My abdomen also felt abnormally rigid and swollen upon palpation.  He ordered bloodwork and an abdominal CT scan which I just had today.

I will hear my CT results tomorrow and will share what I found out.  I am just hoping and praying that it is nothing.  If my CT is clean, then I know I can attribute yet another horrible symptom to this terrible and life altering disease.  If my CT shows something, it won't be Lyme, and I do NOT need another illness on top of the three I already am suffering from. 

One thing I can say about this is that I will never take my health for granted again.  Even something as simple as being able to walk around the house without being in pain would be a major luxury at this point in my life. 

I miss being able to go hiking and enjoy the outdoors.

I miss riding my horses and galloping freely across the beach, leaving beautiful hoofprints of freedom marked in the cool damp sand.

I miss the days of waking up early, excited to go work livestock and excited to learn in college, hungry for knowledge and new insight. 

I am a long way away from enjoying the activities I once loved.  But if I could just be able to sleep through the night without waking up with excruciating hip pain....if I could just clean the house without my hands swelling up...If i could just hold the telephone for more than five minutes without my hand cramping in pain...

There is so much we take for granted, but until it is all slipping away right before your eyes, you don't even acknowledge these small pleasures in life. 

For those of you with Lyme or other chronic disease following this blog, you know exactly how it feels to have your life stripped away from you, your passions become memories of better days, and your future is so unknown and scary that it steals your breath away.

For those of you that have your health, cherish it.  I know it sounds cliche, but it is a cliche for a reason!  If you have your health, you have everything.  Without your health, life widdles down to nothing in the blink of an eye.  Never take health for granted...You never know when you may lose it. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Mask We Wear

After starting this blog the most frequent comment was "I never knew you were so sick, you hide it so well!"

The ability to place a thick emotional and physical blockade between myself and others around me has been a defense mechanism I have utilized since I was a child.  I have always been a master at looking perfect on the outside no matter what inner turmoil or pain I may be feeling inside.

This used to be a voluntary and conscious reaction to the world around me, a way to prevent vulnerability and project strength and confidence.  Recently I have found this characteristic to be both a blessing and a curse.  Nobody knows I'm sick....but nobody knows I'm sick. 

Nobody can tell that behind closed doors in my house I never get off the couch or out of bed.  Nobody knows that my hips hurt so badly at night that I can't sleep through my sleep medication which is used to subdue schizophrenics and those with other psychoses.

  I bet you can't tell that I can hardly walk around my house because as soon as I walk out the door into the public eye, I bite the inside corner of my cheek so hard I have a constant sore, just so I can hide my limping gait. 

Not even those closest to me know that I struggle to keep myself together on a daily basis.  Just keeping a smile on my face is and arduous and sometimes seemingly impossible task.  After almost every social outing or session with a client, I get into the solitude of my truck and break down in tears from choking back so much pain and hiding so much discomfort. 

This disease leaves most of us with a normal physical appearance, but a completely shredded inside.  I feel completely eviscerated at times, with a feeling of toxins running through my bloodstream, bacteria destroying and inflaming my nervous tissues, and shards of glass shoved into my joints. 

Even through all of the internal physical and emotional pain this disease causes, I never leave the house looking disheveled.  My hair is always done, my makeup is always effortless and light, and my clothes are always neatly put together and accessorized.  Even down to my french tipped toe-nails and fashionable shoes, my physical appearance always reflects normalcy. 

I have been asked how I always project myself so confidently and assertively, how I hide everything so well.  I am called "strong" and "courageous", "powerful" and "inspiring".  These are wonderful compliments, but for some reason I cannot take them to heart. 

I do not put myself together because I want to.  Trust me, I want to stay in pajama bottoms and baggy t-shirts all day, every day.  I do this because I HAVE to in order to survive, in order to beat this debilatating and life crushing disease.  If I were to allow my external appearance to match my internal state, I would lose this battle right now. 

The mask we it always good to hide the ugliness that lies behind it? 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Lyme Background

I posted this earlier on a different site, but am re-posting here for those of you who missed it before. 

So, where to begin....

     Lyme is a very mysterious and destructive disease.  Lyme is a bacteria that is transmitted primarily through the bite of a deer tick (there are many many many different species that carry Lyme and the multitude of co-infections). 

It is a spirochetal shaped bacteria, which allows it to essentially "drill" into every tissue and organ in the body, causing a multi-system involvement for infected individuals.  Every patient is affected differently, making the disease very hard to diagnose and even more difficult to treat. 

There is no single treatment protocol that works for every person, it is often a trial and error process of different antibiotics and other medications. 

The average length of time for treatment for a patient considered chronic (undiagnosed for over one year) is two to five years....I was undiagnosed for 13 years...So the journey begins!

   I was originally diagnosed with Lyme disease when I was 10 years old after showing classic acute symptoms of the disease.  I was treated according to protocol, six weeks of antibiotics, and was sent on my merry way.  However, it became quickly clear that things were not right.

 I spent the last 13 years of my life suffering from chronic pain and childhood depression.  I always knew that things didn't feel right, but with no diagnosable symptoms, my complaints were brushed off by doctors.  My symptoms as a child were mostly joint pain and numbness and tingling sensations down my back and legs.

  It was mostly manageable with Aleve, although once I entered my college years, Aleve became a daily necessity.  Still, I ignored the joint pain, took Aleve, and had a very successful college career. 

   In January 2010, things began to change.  All of a sudden, my gastrointestinal track began to act completely hay wire.  I was having trouble eating anything without being sick, and my abdominal pain was so severe I would often spend evenings and nights curled up on the couch in the fetal position. 

Then came the hip pain.  It started off as mild irritation on my daily walks with my dogs, but it quickly escalated into a pain so severe I was limping along the daily dog walking route.  I decided to see a Rheumatologist and finally find some answers. 

Unfortunately, after two sets of bloodwork and two exams, the Rheumatologist once again came up without any answers.  Although he did not know what was wrong with my body, he did believe something was not right. 
    Once again, I ignored the problem and pushed through the last quarter of my college career.  The last three motnhs in college were a major struggle.  Between my digestive issues and joint pain, I really knew things were taking a turn for the worse and I was  thankful that it had waited this long to escalate. 

In April, I moved to Alabama to live with my fiancee while he finished flight school for the Army.  It was over the summer I really began to struggle with daily life.  I was often times in too much pain to do the things I once loved, like ride my horses and hike with my dogs. 

It became difficult just to perform daily tasks like cleaning the house and bringing groceries in from the truck.  I was lucky enough to come into contact with a woman who has changed my life, and is now one of my best friends. 

This woman also suffers from Lyme Disease and after we exchanged a few emails, I decided to make an appointment with her Lyme Literate Medical Doctor (LLMD).  The wait list was long, so I made the appointment and went on with my life waiting the few months until I would meet with the doctor. 

In August I moved to Mississippi to attend the Masters of Science program of my dreams.  I was accepted to study applied beef cattle reproductive physiology, what I had always wanted.  Little did I know this dream was to be completely shattered and destroyed over the course of a week. 

The move was extremely stressful, and my body completely shut down.  I became so ill I could not hold a water glass, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I literally became a prisoner in my own body.  My body had been fighting this illness for 13 years, and it gave up after the stress of the move. 

I called the LLMD and flew to California immediately for an urgent appointment. 

After doing bloodwork with my LLMD, I finally was able to receive some answers, even though they were not what I wanted to hear.  After 13 years of living in the unknown, I found out I was still sick with Lyme Disease and Monocytic Human Ehrlichiosis and Granulocytic Human Ehrlichiosis. 

My life has been turned upside down by these disease more than I ever thought possible. 

I now live in Savannah, GA with my fiancee and have done my best to hold onto shreds of who I used to be.  I started my own dog behavior and training business, specializing in Pit Bulls and other powerful breeds. 

I also work for the local Humane Society and volunteer at the local Animal Control Shelter.   Due to my illness, however I can only work 8-10 hours per week.  Work is the only escape I have from the prison that is my illness.  It is a time to put on a facade of happiness, confidence, and normalcy, even though it is most often a lie. 

I have always loved Pit Bulls, and since I have been sick I find solace and feel a connection with these dogs.  They are misunderstood animals caught up in a mess that is not their fault, which is how I feel in my own life.  The dogs give me a sense of comfort I am thankful every day to have found. 

Each day has become a struggle against my diminishing cognitive function, horrible joint, neck, and back pain, abdominal pain, and depression.  This disease has taken nearly everything away from me and left me clammering to cling for dear life for what is left. 

Although I feel broken and shattered, I am still alive, and I will fight this battle with all of the strength that I have.  I hope this blog can help others suffering from similar illness realize they are not alone, no matter how alone they feel.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Memory Loss

When most people think of Lyme disease they think of swollen and painful joints.  Unfortunately for many of us Lyme sufferers, this barely scratches the surface of the canyon of debilitating symptoms we experience. 

For those of you that know me, you know that I am an extremely driven and motivated person.  I thrive off of learning new things, trying new experiences, and satisfying my continuous craving to explore the world of science around us. 

I know that I had some issues with my memory in college, most notably in my job as a manager at the Swine Center, however I ignored the issue and did my best to cope and laugh off my lapses in memory, even though they were disturbing to me. 

Little did I know, what once were small insignificant forgetful blips on the radar, would become massive hurricanes of forgetfullness. 

What us "Lymies" label neurological symptoms as is "head fog".  Head fog is a difficult feeling to describe, and its one I was hoping never to much for hoping. 

Head fog is a feeling of fuzziness in your brain, like you have lost cognitive function and the ability to process incoming stimuli and information correctly.  I describe it like the feeling you have when you drink way too much at night and wake up at three in the morning to use the restroom....You are not quite drunk anymore, but you are not hungover yet either.  It is that awful in-between dysfunctional feeling caught between just mentally fucked up and physically ill. 

Let me tell you, it is hell.  Head fog affects your short term memory, speech, and ability to perform simple daily tasks.  I find myself pulling six water glasses out of the kitchen cabinets within a two hour period because I simply can't remember ever pouring the first glass, let alone the sixth.  I also find myself struggling with conversations.  My once articulate speech and expansive vocabulary has been widdled down to grasping for words in the middle of my sentences.  Writing is therapeutic because I have the time to sit here and think about what I am trying to say, which is not the case in conversational speaking. 

Head fog also causes you to do very odd things.  I can't even count anymore how many times I get lost in my own neighborhood, turning onto the wrong street and not realizing it until I all of a sudden notice that I do not recognize the houses on the block.  I have also gotten out of my truck leaving it turned on, or even still in drive.  Thank God I noticed both of those slip ups before something bad happened like a stolen truck, or an accident. 

Just the other day I had a bit of leftover tea in a mug, and I picked the mug up to go and pour the cold beverage down the kitchen sink and for some reason I poured it right onto the living room carpet.  For a brief moment I actually thought I was standing over the kitchen sink.  What the fuck, right?  But for those of us living with this terrible Lyme symptom, incidents such as these are a daily occurence. 

Today a storm is blowing into Savannah.  It is overcast and gloomy.  I used to dread cold and wintry days.  They limited everything I used to love doing.  It is sad, but now I look forward to stormy sad weather.  When it is nasty outside, at least I don't feel like I am missing out on everything I once loved and enjoyed. 

The clouds roll in, the wind howls through the trees outside and it sounds like a wolf crying towards the moon.  The gray weather matches how I feel inside today...Cloudy and weighed down.